Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Shazam! I have an iPhone!

Shazam! I have an iPhone!

It’s hard to admit it, but all the hype about the iPhone is not only hype, it’s all true! This little gadget is amazing! I have never been one for technology or feel that I need to be the first to own something, or have the best of everything. So when the iPhone was announced, I figured I would wait it out and see how it works out for others. One of my coworkers was quick to jump on the bandwagon. He dropped his current cell phone service, to get AT&T and be on board. He came to work with all his music and photos, showing off his new phone. That was cool; however it didn’t impress me much. I have an iPod, and I store all my photos online, so big deal. What sealed the deal for me was a little program called Shazam. It’s an application for the iPhone that allows the user to hold the phone up to any song, and within a few seconds, the application recognizes the song, and not only tells the user the artist and name, it also allows you to purchase the song immediately through iTunes. Wow. I am a music person, so for me this is huge. I went home and told my husband, who was NOT impressed. He was making comments like, “Is that really going to change your life, knowing what song is playing in the background” To which I answered “YES!” He still didn’t understand. He kept asking me “Are you going to be in an elevator and need to know a song and hold your little phone up?” I still insisted “YES.” Although I couldn’t help but to think how funny this was, as if they ever play good music in the elevator. (I think that is what he was getting at). So while with my co-worker, there were many times I needed to know what the name of the song was, and he would impress me with his iPhone skills. The application Shazam got it every time!

One night, I was going through my old VHS tapes’, looking to what was worth transferring over to DVD. A really old Walt Disney World 4th of July special from 1989 was on there. I love to watch this special, for a variety of reasons. While watching the special, a song came on as the background music for one of the segments. I had wanted to know what that song was since 1989!! Once, at the mall, I heard it playing in a store, and asked the clerk was song it was. She did not know, and pulled out the CD just to discover is was a mix of songs burned just to play in the store, with no artists or titles attached. I had quite the challenge for my friend and his iPhone. My husband thought that no way no how that phone would be able to identify the song. I had no doubt. I brought the tape to work, found an empty conference room, and started the challenge. Shazam knew the song! Of course it did! I had no doubt!! I went home, bought the song on iTunes, and told my husband all about it. Guess what? Shazam! Just like that, I had an iPhone the next day. Early Christmas present from my husband! ;)